Monday, February 18, 2013

Jersey Mac

One summer's evening in the middle of last week, we were driving home from dinner with family in town. It wasn't exactly late, but it was late for a school night. It was late for the readers and sums and rituals that have to happen before they are all three tucked up in bed.

But still, it was the most gorgeous golden summer's evening and when our farmer boy suggested we stop for a while and check on the apples, we all agreed.

So we five piled out and slowly wandered down the rows of trees.

We picked some spotty Jersey Macs for cooking, we chatted with chooks and dogs, we made daisy chains and we screamed out to frighten away the hungry, greedy cockatoos. 

And we spoke about the crazy amount of seed on the Blackwood trees this season and how a friend's father recently said that that is the Blackwood's way of telling us it's going to be really dry. That he's only seen them do this four other times in his life and they were always right. It is so very dry here right now and the thought that it will continue to be dry is crazy, scary.

But the longer we wandered the more the big stuff seemed to melt away. And there seems to be a lot of big stuff at the moment so that is saying something. And for half an hour or maybe a little bit more, there was no high school, no times tables, no fire season, no empty water tanks, no dead-lines. 

There was only the now. 

There was only us. In that perfect light for photographing.

I hope you have a bit of perfect light in your life.
I hope you have a magical week.
Mine has started out a bit tired, but I'll get there.
I'm going to make pie.



  1. Making a pie sounds like a very good way to start the week! xK

  2. Ahh, the afternoon country sun in Victoria, I can see it in your photos, I can smell it in my memory, I just can't feel it...raining and cool at my place today.

  3. Lovely, heartfelt words and beautiful pics.

  4. These are beautiful photos Kate. I do hope that it rains soon for you down there I'm sure the rain we are having here in Qld is much better needed down south, I wish we could share some your way. I hope your week is a good one, pie sounds good to me. xx

  5. It sure is gorgeous light and beautiful pictures. Those moments are so precious aren't they, sadly a rare occurance around here. We're tentatively planing a dinner on the beach this week for the very same reason, to let evrrything else not mater for just a bit..we'll see x

  6. Perfect Kate, I adore that special light that happens every so often in the evenings. The photo with the chooks in it is amazing and sums up your farm life so well. I hope some rain comes your way soon x

  7. Please let it rain for you (and us). You have the most beautiful way of capturing these moments, I'm sure there are plenty of other not so lovely moments but thanks for reminding me to stop and smell the roses.

  8. Gosh the light is just gorgeous. I'm undecided if it had a slight smell of smoke in the air and was hot, but prefer a slight chill in the air (which I'm sure wasn't there!).

  9. that is stunning light for photographing! I love the "there is only now" oh how we all need more moments in our days when we are present in the now... xx

  10. It's ironic that all we do is complain about the rain here! It would be nice if we could share it out a bit, and perhaps you could send a little if your sunshine. Though you already did that in this post. The photos are lovely and give such a warm glow. Seeing your family enjoying such simple pleasures. I hope your week picks up and the rain soon comes. X

  11. Our blackwoods up here in north east Vic have also been producing mountains of seed... that's interesting that it might be a sign of more drought to come (sigh). I've actually been trying to work out if our chooks eat the seeds as their run includes half a dozen blackwood trees - not quite sure if they are but I hope so since they're so plentiful!

  12. That is perfect light and such rich gorgeous shots. Do you edit your shots at all,I love your colours.

  13. Yep apples are my favourite. you're lucky you get to walk up and down the rows of trees and smell that sweet hot in the sun apple smell!

  14. So beautiful Kate. We have loads of black wattle seeds every where too. Very dry, it's scary and sad.


  15. I can't get enough of your apple tree photos! The apples are so pretty on them. I wish I could send you some of our Queensland rain right now, we have plenty to spare...more than enough this season.

  16. Golden shots and golden memories - absolutely beautiful x Jane

  17. That certainly epitomises the golden hour for photography. It's amazing how a bit of nature can wash us clean and take away the stress, even if just for an hour. We need it so much - I would miss it if I lived deep in the city!

  18. What a beautiful afternoon! I often find taking a stroll outside, talking to some animals, picking some produce and laughing can do wonders for the soul!

  19. Our family had a perfect stroll like that this evening, too nice to do chores and be serious, evenings like this have to be the upside to the crispy days. The wattle seeds are going beserk here too, not just the blackwoods. Mass seeding events can often happen when a plant is under stress, its their insurance for the future. We gathered blackberries but they are slimmer picking this year.


Thanks so much for stopping by...

I do read every single comment you leave and appreciate it very much, but I should let you know that I can be a wee bit on the useless side when replying to comments, that's just me, everyday life sometimes gets in the I'll apologise now, just in case.

Kate XX

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