Hello friends,
Another week has flown right on by. So many times I thought of these photos and that I should post them along with the answers to the questions in the comments at the bottom of my last post, but it never came to be.
This past week was warm and dry and I feel like we made use of every minute; planting veggies and flowers, weeding, mulching, pulling the garlic, watering and mowing. From first thing in the morning til last light at night. Summer craziness on the farm has begun.
And it's exciting to watch as the scarlet runner bean fronds grab hold and wind their way up and around the trellises, flowers on the tomatoes begin to emerge, broad beans fatten up and await their picking, dahlia shoots emerge out of the soil, lettuces grow and plump up, strawberries and peas wait for you to walk by and snap them off and each day new flowers open and show their pretty faces to the world.
So here are the photos now. My Lanes cardigan still buttonless (Ravelry details here). Indi and Jazzy, the foxgloves, delphiniums and the warm summer's eve.
And now for the question and answer bit.
Hi Carly. Now that Indi has finished school she's trying to get her hours of learner driving up to 120 so she can get her driver's license (she's currently sitting at about 94), she's relaxing and socialising and she's working for me on the farm. I can't actually remember any stand out signs from the climate rally but at one stage Bren turned to me and said we should have made one that said 'Organic Farming is the answer!' I love that imagined one too. My advice for a new gardener would be to only grow the things you love to eat and look at. And to grow rocket and radishes because they are quick and easy. And I'm okay. Not great. I had a fight with one of my kids this week that really rocked me (we're good again now) and yesterday I finally went to the doctor about my elbow and ankle and now I'm all strapped up in purple tape with exercises to do and a list of things I'm not allowed to do. And I'm not allowed to knit for a week which I am stressing about. Or spin. Ugh, what's a girl to do?! A week feels like such a very long time. x
Hi Small Catalogue, has my brain returned now that my youngest is 10 and if so did it come back gradually or in a rush? Hmmmm definitely not in a rush. Actually I feel like for me it's been less about getting my brain back and more about carving out a space of my own. And I don't just mean a physical space, although the construction of my studio definitely helped with that. Over the past year I've come out from behind my girls and really felt a push to rediscover who I am, what I need and want, and to create some projects for myself. It's ongoing obviously, and it often gets squashed by things like VCE and other demanding family issues, but I feel like this past year I have felt more true to myself than I ever remember feeling before. Do you? x
Hi Kate, ooooooh I love your question about the other senses and what they add to my stories. So often when I'm in the garden wandering around or working, with the soundtrack of the calling of the birds, the singing of the frogs, the rustling of the wind through the trees, the fountain of the water as it comes out of the ground and pours into the house dam, I'll grab my phone and try to record the visual together with the audio to try to capture the scene as a whole. It's a shame I can't do that here now. I think that when I took these photos of the girls it was early evening and the birds must have all been calling out to each other but my focus would have been on Indi and Jazzy, laughing, breaking into song, telling each other stories, finishing each other's sentences and being silly. And as for the smell, I've been finding the sweet peas quite overpowering. There would have been that just freshly watered smell and the dry forest smell is just starting to be noticeable. I'm writing all of this from inside my studio where I can't really smell anything except for the wood of the walls, but I'm sure I'll be much more aware of everything later on when I go back to work. x
And that's me today.
Where are you? What are you up to? What can you hear and smell? And how do you feel?
See you next week friends.
Kate x
I am interstate for a ballet concert (DGD age 6). The sounds have been trumpet (DGS age 9) and clarinet (me). We are not ready for a symphony orchestra yet 😁.i did finish knitting a scarf during the 4 hour drive. I hope that your non knitting time passes quickly
ReplyDeleteI went for a bush walk this morning along a ruggard coast line, I could hear the waves crashing on the rocks, the birds and the occasional wallaby crashing through the undergrowth. Right now I can hear the dishes being washed and my son talking to his friends on line. I can smell the cat food and it's not pleasant I'm going to have to go and empty it out.
ReplyDeleteI'm feeling worried, there are family health issues and I can't fix them.
I hope you are soon back knitting and spinning. My your weekend be joyful and peaceful.
Cheers Kate
Thank you so much for answering my questions, I feel like a celebrity all the way up here in Boston where the temperature is probably not going to top 20 (fahrenheit) today! I love the photos of the girls and the beauty of the foxgloves. Since I am inside, I can hear the dryer whirring with load number one of laundry and a bit of wind outside.
ReplyDeleteI hope you are able to knit again soon and that your weekend is relaxing and contented.
Cheers. Carly
I am in southern Spain, in a small farming mountain village. I can hear some of the villagers chatting outside, I think they’ve just been to choir practice. I can smell the goats that wandered past my door a short while ago. I feel tired as I’m not sleeping well at the moment but I’m not fighting it, I just go with the flow and read until I feel sleepy again.
ReplyDeleteI hope a week of non knitting does the trick.
Fiona x
Hi Kate
ReplyDeleteI don’t often comment(mainly because my iPad keeps logging me out of google and it would mean finding my password, or getting a new one which would just be too.much.effort) but I really want you to know how much I love clicking on your posts on a Friday! I started reading your blog when you were in your caravan travelling Australia ( if I’ve said this before,sorry!). Your girls were so young then! They’ are growing up so beautifully, and are such a credit to you both! My children are now nearly 26 and 23, it’s now that I really feel that I’m getting myself back! Parenting teens and young adults is really challenging in the current world and is an emotional affair but it’s so lovely ending up with adults who you really love hanging out with! Our two are coming with us to Lanzarote on holiday for Christmas.I can’t wait!
One of the best things for me as a family home grower with an allotment in the UK is that I can enjoy your growing season when ours has nil output. Well, I say that we, are eating the last of my pak choi in stir fries but the foxgloves and delphiniums really lift my winter spirit. My girl is 11 and I feel that I can enjoy more of myself at the moment - just until I hit the real teenage years of course! Enjoy your posts as ever. Jo x
ReplyDeletePs. Bum to knitting!
Oh what a lovely idea about asking readers questions to answer.
Well, our little scruffy little dog is barking spasmodically at the door to go outside, her barks jar my wandering thoughts back to the present. I keep meaning to get up to let her out but then my mind drifts again and I end up doing something else for a few minutes until she reminds me patiently again, that she is still waiting.
I'm sat at the computer, which is currently on the kitchen table as its the only place we can get reception. There is sourdough proving on the bench for tonight's pizzas, this mornings dishes are stacked haphazardly by the sink. I notice the kombucha is also waiting patiently for me to put it on for its second ferment. I should do that today...
When I look outside the sky is a dull grey, it looks like a bit of change is coming which will bring relief after a couple of scorching hot 40 degree days. Though currently it is still hot and heavy. The air conditioner is rumbling away, and the fan whirring in the background trying to push the cool air around the house.
There is clean washing piled on the couch, waiting for someone to fold it. Next to it is my sewing, I have been making some little 7" Waldorf dolls as art of my boys Christmas gifts. It makes me happy when I look at them neatly lined up in their little basket. I feel less happy when I realize I have a whole dragon still to sew with not amazing instructions. But there is time. I'm sure I will make him work.
My coffee has gone cold next to me, I'm off to pour another cup in the hope it will clear the fog that is residing in my head this morning.
May you have a lovely weekend.
Hey Kate, my husband has just climbed up a gum tree for me and set a beautiful metal kookaburra in the branch. I can see it from our deck every day and it will remind me of my very much loved and missed Dad. I am very happy. Best wishes to you and your family for the holidays.
ReplyDeleteI was so excited that you answered my question! Thank you! When walking the dog i often ask myself "What can I hear? (usually boring tweety English birds not mad Australian ones!), What can I smell? (wet grass, as often as not) What can I feel? (cold breeze on my face, warm gloves etc) and What can I taste? (nothing usually). By the time I ask What can I see?, I've started to really think and notice, so the green-ness of the grass, the sky reflecting in the puddles, the black of the bare trees (it is winter!) really hit me. Its such a pleasure and always lifts me when I think to do it. And calms me of course, tho the dog gets a bit bored!
ReplyDeleteWishing you and your lovely family a wonderful Festive season xxx
Hi Kate: Just wanted to check in and make sure all is okay. Perhaps you are taking a break from blogging...I was just missing my weekly fix so I thought I would quickly comment. Take care.
Thank you so much for noticing Carly. I've been having dreadful computer issues but Bren wiped my computer and reinstalled everything and now it looks like I'm back! Hopefully if all goes to plan I'll be back blogging before the year is out. xx
DeleteAhh. So that's where you are. Lol. We've had a few big storms up here that is making WiFi and mobile service play up. Tonight is the first time in a few weeks I've Neen able to read something online Luckily it was an awesome big blog. Hope it's all fixed for you Kate. Xxoo
DeleteHope all is well Kate. Your blog usually pops up on my new feed on a Friday morning. Maybe you are taking a well earned break. Much love from England x x
ReplyDeleteThank you for noticing and caring Kath. I've been having all sorts of computer issues but Bren just wiped everything off it and reinstalled everything back on to it and so far it's all looking good. Hopefully if all goes to plan I'll be back to blogging before the year is out. xx
DeleteI’m so relieved everyone is safe and well. I hope Bren can work his magic x x
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteVery interesting,thanks for sharing such a good information.
Happy new year Kate,
ReplyDeleteJust in case you don't get back here before 2019.
Cheers Kate
Kate, thank you for letting us know what was going on. I missed your Friday blogs and was wondering what was up.
ReplyDeleteWhere are you? I am in bed. I have Rheumatoid Arthritis and the weather has been playing havoc with me. I am snuggled under my electric blanket. Hopefully I'll crawl out from under it later today, when I have "unkinked" so I can work on my sewing project (Travel Iron Caddy and Mini Iron Caddy. I've not quilted before and just used a walking foot for the first time last night. It worked wonderfully!)
What do I hear? I hear my furnace going, my son sighing because he has to go to work in 10 minutes, the sand truck outside our house putting sand on the street.
What do I smell? Nothing at the moment - darned ole allergies! lol
What are you up to? Resting my tired, achy body. Wanting to get a move on to get SOMETHING, ANYTHING done today. And completely ignoring my dirty laundry because that isn't what I want to do and I have to take the sheets off the bed but my body won't let me right now. lol
And how do you feel? Erm...well, I suppose I already answered that...a few times in this comment. :)
Take care! I'll be on the lookout for your next blog installment. Have a Happy New Year!
Happy New Year to you all. Hope you are having a well deserved break, well as much as you can when you are busy farmers.
ReplyDeleteYou have my sympathy when it comes to having your own burgeoning projects and interests 'squashed by VCE' etc. I know the feeling well. So many ambitions and ideas but they get thwarted or set back by family responsibilities or other outside demands that need urgent attention. Don't get me wrong, I love my family and love taking care of them but it would be nice to have a whole day's space for myself occasionaly without interruptions or hijacking by other people's dramas!
ReplyDeleteNever mind, the years fly quickly. Our times will come.