Hello you! I just realised that it's the last day of April. My how time flies eh! So in the spirit of capturing the moment I've decided to go back and visit Pip's list. Here goes….
Enjoying: right now. For a while we've been feeling like we are on the edge of something new. Like this is the slow, calm before the next big thing. But maybe it's not. Maybe this lovely, simple, farmy way of life is it. I hope so.
Waiting: for our biodynamic preps to arrive in the mail so we can start the journey.
Liking: finding Indi and Jazzy together in Indi's bed practising singing harmonies.
Sewing: not so much sewing but sewn. a couple of weeks ago I bought some patchwork fabric at a garage sale and a couple of weeks after that I made a skirt. It's been so long for me between sewing clothes that the maths hurt my head, but I loved getting back on the old Bernina and need to do it again soon.
Wishing: for some more sunshine filled warm days before we head into winter.

Cooking: down tomatoes for sauce and podding beans.
Thinking: about heating up last night's leek and potato soup for lunch.
Feeling: like I am on school holidays after submitting all the writing and pictures that are due by the end of today. Yay!
Bookmarking: knitted sock patterns. I'm looking for an in-the-round pattern that is fitted and not saggy baggy.
Opening: the wood stove's door to chuck more wood in. (I think I've used that once before - is that cheating?)

Making : knitted feathers, just because.
Wasting: time on Facebook and feeling completely overwhelmed and full of love for you and your support with my brand new baby Foxslane page.
Wondering: if we really could pack up and live overseas for six months next year.
Following: the trend and sprinkling chia seeds on everything.
Noticing: how late we are to the garlic planting party. Tomorrow!!

Drinking : veggie juice and peppermint tea.
Reading: my way through this pile of wonderful. I think Wild is one of my favourite books ever and I'm trying to read Tiny Beautiful Things as slowly as I can to make it last and to try to remember it all.
Wanting: to have a play with shibori dyeing.
Looking: in the pantry for dinner inspiration. What're you having?
Playing: at denying the fact that I can hear mice in my roof!

Loving: splitting two year old dry wood for the fire. Such great stress relief, exercise and fun. If it were five years ago I'd totally get a coffee mug made up saying 'Keep calm and split wood', it's true!
Hoping: that we can get back into the bread baking habit.
Marvelling: at how magnificently Daylesford does Autumn.
Needing: to hang out the laundry that has been in the machine since last night.
Smelling: Indi's new perfume and wondering how my Mum coped with my high school days with Paris and Poison.

Wearing: A cashmere Country Road jumper I bought at our school fair and waiting for someone to come up and tell me that it used to belong to them.
Knowing: how lucky I am to be working and living and parenting alongside my farmer boy.
Giggling: at Miss Pepper's sleep walking antics. Last night, very late, she came into the lounge room, looked around blankly, picked up her lunchbox (tiffin tin) and headed back to bed. About 15 minutes later she returned holding her tin with a very confused look on her face and asked us what on earth her lunch box was doing in her bed. She didn't remember any of it this morning.
Feeling: ready and excited to start the motif meditation journey tomorrow. I'll pop a linky thing up on my blog on the weekend and use the hashtag #motifdaymay on instagram so we can all follow each others' progress. If crochet isn't your thing but you want to play too, feel free to post whatever it is that gets you in the zone.
This was my April last year.
This was my Taking Stock from August last year.
This was my Taking Stock from January this year.
Hope your April's been ace!
See you in May.
Big rad love xx