One day last April I woke up and realised that I wasn't a knitter any more. It had been ages since I'd had that obsessive excited feeling over knitting, it felt like forever since I'd sat down to knit a few rows and when I finally had a look at my Ravelry project page I saw that I'd only knitted two things all year - a beanie and a sweater. I looked up from my computer and around at all my wool and decided that I'd better give it away to someone who would love it as I had. It made complete sense. It was in my past, I didn't even question it.
But then I never got around to sending it away because I had another love back then that was taking up all my thoughts and love and daylight hours.
Last season from about October to May I was OBSESSED with growing flowers. I learnt about them, I thought about them, I grew them, picked them and I sold them. Flowers were my one true love and there was no room for another. The colours, the textures, the shapes and the scents filled me right up.
We had a pretty incredible first season as flower growers, we made mistakes, we made a lot of it up as we want along and we created something so incredibly beautiful. The flower garden got me up each morning and the work kept me going all day long until it got dark.
And late at night when we finally came inside my poor hands were tired and sore and I hardly even thought about knitting. So I didn't.
We farmed like that until late May when the frosts came and wiped our flowers out and we left the flower patch and didn't really go back. I occasionally visited to tidy things up but in general it was too cold and I used the short daylight hours over winter to tend to the veggie patch and that was about it.
So after the long hours of the growing season grew short, I went inside and started knitting again. In my memory it was pretty sudden but I can't be sure that it's true. I made slippers, a shawl and some hats, I made a cardigan, some squares and lots of socks. And over the months as the knitting on my needles grew so did my obsession with it. I trawled Ravelry for the perfect pattern, I followed hash-tags and joined knitting groups and instead of giving all my yarn away I bought more. The knitting filled me up and kept my mind ticking at night. I fell in love with cables and colour-work and the hunt for the perfect cardigan.
A couple of weeks ago, deep into knitting time, a friend asked me about the dahlia tuber order that I placed last April. I told her that I couldn't imagine thinking I'd need so many. I told her I thought I might just buy half or a quarter of what I'd ordered and just pop them in the veggie garden instead. Would I really even grow flowers on such a large scale again? Did I really once identify as a flower farmer?
Last Sunday was the spring equinox, one of the two days a year when the hours of darkness and light are exactly equal, all around the world.
And then over the past week since I have felt that things are changing again. Like I'm being pulled in a different direction. The days have been warmer and the light has been brighter.
Last Monday I spent the day mowing, on Tuesday I planted seeds in the greenhouse, on Wednesday we picked huge bunches of daffodils and tulips and anemones, and on Friday I weeded and mulched and started cleaning up the flower patch. Each night this past week when we came inside and I sat on the couch, despite my sore hands, I felt like I was speeding through my rows of knitting, like I was in a hurry.
And judging by the past few seasons I think that I probably am in a knitting hurry. I need to finish the cardigan I'm knitting for me and knit another whole promised cardigan for Indi before the balance tips the other way again and I am no longer a knitter for another flower season. It's still so hard to imagine but I feel it will soon be true.
So tell me about your seasons friends, have you noticed that change is a coming?
Do you find yourself giving up one love to make room for another?
Do you find yourself forgetting the past you only to meet it again several months later?
Why oh why is there never enough time for everything?
It's six o'clock here and it's getting dark, it's time to head inside now from my studio to light the house fire. After a few warm days, it's going to get chilly over the weekend.
See you next week lovely ones.
Be kind to each other and yourselves.
Lots of love, Kate x
It's bitterly cold here tonight. I'm over tending the fire but I feel the cold so much and my body aches, so drag in the wood and poke the fire I must.
ReplyDeleteI also feel the struggle of not enough hours for all the things, but it's more of me becoming bored with a hobby rather than another love pushing it out. I always come back to yarn though, ever since my teen years.
Those pictures in the daffs and the light are gorgeous. It's been a few years since I've picked any of our daffs for the house, hayfever has made me find the scent of them unbearable. I so love big bunches of them all around the house.
May your weekend be warm and wonderful
cheers Kate
Kate the daffodils are beautiful. I’m currently in Skipton, Yarndale starts tomorrow and iam very excited about attending. My SIL, Nola and I spent time knitting at Coopers Cafe this morning and had the opportunity of meeting Lucy from Attic24, she is lovely. X
ReplyDeleteI have certainly felt the change. Summer is almost over, here. The change came quite suddenly with a drop in temperature at the weekend but we have had a few sunny days. I love sunny cool days. I just picked up a blanket that has been awaiting the last piece of applied i-cord, too. So I understand your feelings but we are a bit out of synch. :)
ReplyDeleteThe first appearance of daffodils and wattle makes my heart sing after a long winter. I also love walking through the garden with my granddaughter to pick strawberries. She is 3 and we sit on the bench and talk about all the things in life that she finds wonderful.
ReplyDeleteOh Kate, you don’t know me as I haven’t commented much, which is not good as I should tell you how much I like your blog. You are pretty amazing you know. Gardening, mothering, farming, knitting, teaching, and all the many things you fit into your life, they are all worthy pursuits and will rise and fall in priority. I am 66. I feel 26. Life is a journey and no one age or activity is more important than another. Just keep that love of nature and creativity and be prepared for change. I, for one, am very impressed. I live in Melbourne now, but had a property in Daylesford. I wish we had not sold it. I grew things, has sheep, coked sewed and I wish we were real friends. The blog is a lovely experience for me. Thanks.
ReplyDeleteAnother seasonal here! I haven't knit in awhile. I did rearrange my crafting/sewing room and did re-home some of my yarn. It was feeling burdensome. I kept some and will see if I find the urge to revisit that hobby. I'm currently sewing some baby/snuggle blankets for niece/nephew baby gifts. Life is a cycle and moving through the seasons is what we do! Take care.
ReplyDeleteAs opposed to choosing one obsession, I feel like I'm pulled in EVERY direction - knitting, dyeing, fabric, quilting, clothes sewing, gardening, Instagram, and then of course there's all the kids, The Retreat, work and family.
ReplyDeleteI've resigned to just do a bit of everything (well, a lot of familying...that's a given) and hope I can focus enough to fill the cup. Looking forward to your blossoming summer and knit on, it's good for you!!!
Ab xx
Wow, Kate. You have a really beautiful way of getting around to the heart of something. I enjoyed this thoroughly!!
ReplyDeleteWriting to you from the Netherlands: I haven't done watercolours since I don't know when, but a 91 year old friend, very good watercolourist, gave me all her stuff! Even paints she had never opened, won at a show 25 years ago. Such a pity she cannot see well enough any more....
ReplyDeleteBut her gift got me going again, so I painted three things in one week. Don't ask how well they turned out, I have to learn all over again, but the love of it, the colours running and blending and bursting out in beauty. I'm hooked once more. Into autumn leaves now!