Saturday, August 31, 2013

the day before spring...x

The last day of winter was my favourite day of winter because it was so much like spring.

Brilliant blue skies and warm sunshine and not a breath of wind.

It was a perfect bee flying day.

We drank our coffee outside. My farmer boy read to me from The Jew in The Lotus and I knitted a blanket square called planting seeds. The smaller girls made dolls, then they made doll's clothes and then finally they made a house for the dolls from a cardboard box. Miss Indi woke up late and then sat with us and drew.

Sometimes my farmer boy took a break and flew his remote control quad-copter.

And then we did some gardening. The soil is still cold but the days are growing longer and the leaves and roots are moving, it's time for us to get moving too I think.

Later on we all went to collect the eggs.

And on the way home we collected arm fulls of daffodils for the kitchen table.

We wore tee-shirts all day. We didn't come inside until dark. And we didn't light the home fires until we came inside.

All my fave ingredients. All my fave peeps.

More of the same tomorrow I hope.

How did you spend your day today?
Was it warm or wintry?
Slow or bizzy buzzy?
I hope you had fun.

Bye for now



  1. As you see the first signs of spring, I can smell autumn heading our way in the UK. The fading flowers and even some falling leaves. Ooh how I wish we could miss out some winter months. Enjoy the daffodils. Sarah

  2. Oh Kate this sounds like the perfect day - it brings the pulse rate down just reading about it! We're at the other end of the spectrum over here in the UK so we're starting to say goodbye to the wonderfully lazy evenings and feeling that nip in the air. Today is going to involve lots of catching up on things that I have had all summer to do - but haven't - and then hopefully making some blackberry gin ready for Christmas (can't believe I'm using the 'c' word already) Lovely photos as ever x Jane

  3. Beautiful! I worked and then actually finished the jumper for my girl - first adult garment forever! It was to be for her 18th in July but I made it within winter and she's worn it proudly to her Dads for Fathers Day! So chuffed!!

  4. Today was spent doing some much needed weeding. I set up my little bub on a blanket outside and watched him discover grass (fun to wiggle your fingers in) and the soil (amazing to eat by the pudgy handful) Tomorrow is a trip down the freeway to deliver some biscuits & a hug to My Dad.

    I spend all Winter hanging out for Spring, but then I'm always a bit surprised that I've made it through again and that it really wasn't all that bad!

  5. Cuando se siente en el aire que se acerca la primavera a mi me emociona , son dias especiales la naturaleza comienza a despertarse del largo letargo invernal y nosotros los humanos como parte de esta naturaleza tambien sentimos el deseo de salir al exterior para disfrutar de este aire y este sol que es el anuncio de un renacer ,de una explosion de color,como esos bellos narcisos que nos enseñas en las fotos. Nosotros aqui en España vamos dejando atras el verano para ir adentrandonos en el otoño que como la naturaleza nos sugiere es tiempo de soltar...Me encantan todas las estaciones aunque la primavera es siempre mi preferida. Un cariñoso saludo desde España.

  6. Hi Kate, love your daffodils. We are only at lunchtime on Saturday here. So far I had a great early morning run then we went shopping for school shoes....not much choice as I've left it till the last minute as usual...oops.
    Thanks for you encouraging comment over at mine I really appreciated it.
    Jacquie x

  7. Beautiful pictures Kate. Never commented before but I've been reading your archives over the past few weeks, enjoying every post, and wonder at all your inspiring homespun makes - fabulous. Congratulations on the book too.

    Your blog is The Stuff of Life!

    Love all your crochet....I crochet, but now have just taught myself to knit and am a few rows in on your Blue shawl/scarf.....first time circulars! Thank you for a blog such as yours - the honesty through your good times and bad.
    Wishing you the very best as you welcome summer, just as we head into autumn.

    Kind regards, Niki.

  8. Wasn't the day just gorgeous! I have a busy day and so I lie here in hope that today is slower!

  9. Kate it is so lovely to see your daffodils. I planted my winter pansies and ivies today ready for the onset of autumn and winter so we are sending over the warmth of today over to you. xx

  10. Perfect pictures. We went picking blackberries today to make cake and wine. Blue skies and sunny but feeling a little autumn north wind on the horizon. I love to follow your blog to see the opposite weather - it always cheers me. Jo x

  11. For us it is the last day of summer. I do love autumn but I am so sad to see the end of summer this yea. Lovely to see the daffodils in your post! Xxx

  12. Oh it was a gorgeous day Kate. I did some gardening (more like weeding) and played with our new puppy and got all the washing dried too so it smelt lovely and fresh. It looks like today will be the same and hopefully the wind will stay away too!

  13. Hi Kate,

    I am always reading your posts but rarely have time to leave you a note. My day was so hot and humid (in kentucky, USA), capped off with a thunderstorm. Tonight after my baby went to bed, my husband and I stayed up late talking, drinking wine, and listening to the radio. It felt like old times, just the two of us talking. We're hoping for cooler, drier weather tomorrow so we can work outside.

  14. The last day of winter was like the first day of spring down here in Hobart too! Beautiful. Spring would have to be my favourite season. Those daffodils are just beautiful Kate x

  15. PS I still haven't received my copy of Vantastic from Fishpond yet Kate and I'm getting very impatient :) Was telling my husband just last night that "the girl who wrote it just lives in Victoria. I could pop across and get a copy myself in the time that fishpond is taking!!" LOL!! Good things come to those who wait though hey?

  16. Looks like a beautiful day Kate. Did you plant the daffodils on your property? Do you plant more each year? They are amazing. Happy Sunday x

  17. Beautiful Photographs and loved the daffodils so bright and cheery. Here in England it was a beautiful day yesterday and today looks the same but autumn is creeping up on us, a heavy dew this morning and a lot colder before the sun gets up. For me another day working on the garden after Church this morning. Wishing you and your family a good first day of Spring. :) Ruth

  18. Sounds like a most perfect last day of winter to me! Those daffodils are gorgeous and such ginormous bunches of them too, wow.

  19. Sounds like a wonderful day Kate.
    Winter is still lingering here in Perth which does not bother me one bit. We get our fill of sun & blue skies.
    We are spending days in the garden while the soil is wet & the air cool. We are planning. Planning chook pens, veggie gardens & re-planting gardens that didn't work. These are great days & I'm soaking them up before Tim has to go back to work :)

  20. Hi Kate. Love 'The Jew in the Lotus'. I read it many many years ago before I went to india and it meant so much to me. I hope you're enjoying it. Jonah and I spent a sneaky Saturday up at Franklinford. It was heavenly. Got our permit. Not long now, can't wait! xxx

  21. How lovely!! It was a spectacular day!

  22. It warms my heart to read your posts - it really does. Slow days are so important in the crazy busy that life often brings. It's wonderful to acknowledge them too. I am loving this spring so much already - sunshine and flowers really are so good for the soul!


Thanks so much for stopping by...

I do read every single comment you leave and appreciate it very much, but I should let you know that I can be a wee bit on the useless side when replying to comments, that's just me, everyday life sometimes gets in the I'll apologise now, just in case.

Kate XX

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