I've got a great idea!
Somehow I've found myself in a bit of a crocheted granny-square, hot water bottle cover marathon, and before I get going on my fourth one, I thought you might like to play too.
We could have a bit of a granny-hottie-a-long. How fun does that sound, not to mention snuggly and warm too.
I'm sure you've got lots of stuff going on in your lives so we'll take it pretty slowly, maybe a step a week, and that way we'll all have lots of time to keep up.
What do you think? Are you in?

Just a few things before we get started;
Firstly, I'm going to assume a little bit of crochet knowledge here, but at any stage if you get stuck, or if you are crocheting for the first time, ask google, ask me, or ask in the comments and together I'm sure we can work it out.
Secondly, I'm going to be working in US crochet terminology.
Thirdly, I've been making these up as I go along, but if you feel like you'd like to change things up or do things your own way - go for it.
Yay!! Should we start?
The first thing we'll need to do is gather our supplies and the most important supply of all is YARN. I'm using 8ply wool left over from other projects. This is a wonderful way to use up all those rolly-polly odds and ends.

Next up we'll need a crochet hook. I'm using a 3.5mm because I like the size of the stitches it makes but feel free to experiment. We'll also need sharp scissors for snipping, a darning needle for those perky ends and a larger ball of wool for your main colour (i.e. the edging and neck). And of course we'll need a hot water bottle.

And now for the fun bit!!
Using your yarn and your crochet hook, hook up 24 granny squares using dc's and chains. Remember these granny squares are a bit mini so stop each one after three rounds. When choosing colours, be as wild or as monochrome as you like.
I like to crochet over the tail of the last colour I used as I go (there are plenty of tutorials online), but if that sounds too hard, don't worry about it at all.
I guess the other thing is joining as you go but I like to lay them out at the end and choose where each one will go before joining.

Let's meet back here next Tuesday for step two.
In the meantime we can chat about our granny hotties in the comments here, on Facebook here, and we can share photos on instagram using the hashtag #grannyhottie (I've checked - there are not hot grandma pics - it's safe).
I'm excited - let the grannie hottie begin!!
Just think how much your cold winter toes will love you.