Friday, November 2, 2018

off to the seaside

Hello friends,

How have you been?

I'm writing to you from a little house in a small seaside town about an hour and half drive from our farm in the forest. This morning after we took Pepper to school and Indi to my parent's house, did all the farm chores and packed our bags, I took this photo and then we drove here.

As far as we can remember we've only ever left the girls to go away alone two other times. Once when we flew to Sydney in 2009 to accept a couple of Vogue Produce Awards. And once in May 2015 when we came here, to this same little town, and stayed in our caravan in a caravan park.

Ever so luckily, this time my parents agreed to stay at our house and look after things while we're gone. We're giddy with gratefulness.

We left the girls with new matching pyjamas, a new book to read and a bottle of delicious smelling bubble bath. I think they're going to have a lovely time.

And as for us, we've got books and Netflix and knitting, there are a couple of walking tracks nearby, the beach and some great looking cafes. So for the next three days it's just my farmer boy and me. I still can't believe it's true. And it's my birthday on Sunday!

So I'll see you next week honey bunches. I'll be older and hopefully a little wiser.

I hope you have a great weekend.

Love, Kate xx


  1. Fabulous ...enjoy lovely lady with your man ❤️

  2. A much deserved break for you both, enjoy every moment!! Early Happy Birthday for Sunday!💐🌷🌹🥀🌺🌻🌼🌸 blessings to you all!!! 😘❤️🙏🏽 Dimi

  3. What a lovely break you will have, although matching pjs, new books and bubble bath, I'd be pretty happy staying home. Lucky girls.
    cheers Kate

  4. The girls will be just fine, and you, you have a lovely weekend and a brilliant birthday.

  5. Have a wonderful time with your lovely Bren and enjoy just being two.

  6. What a fabulous birthday break enjoy.

  7. Have fun!!!! Happy birthday Kate. I hope the next year is filled with joy and flowers and heaps of knitting 😁😚😚😘
    Abbe x

  8. Have a fantastic birthdayand enjoy your time together

  9. Have a lovely time and a wonderful birthday 🏵️

  10. Enjoy and treasure the time. Best regards Meckie

  11. Happy Birthday Kate! Hope you're having a great time.

  12. Happy Birthday dear Kate, I wish you the best

  13. Happy Birthday - So,your holidaying in Barwon Heads by the photo of your old post - just over the bridge from Ocean Grove where I grew up, enjoy my neck of the woods x


Thanks so much for stopping by...

I do read every single comment you leave and appreciate it very much, but I should let you know that I can be a wee bit on the useless side when replying to comments, that's just me, everyday life sometimes gets in the I'll apologise now, just in case.

Kate XX

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