Thursday, November 19, 2009

My creative Space.

In my creative space this Thursday I am putting the finishing touches on my softie for Mirabel. Because the temperature is going to be in the high 30's today, she thinks she needs a hat.

I am thinking of creative things to do with broad beans. We are having felafel for dinner tonight.

I am planning and dreaming about all the wonderful places these shoes are going to take me. I found them in the children's shoe pile at the local op shop for 60 cents yesterday.

And I am trying to be creative with their hair styles.

Indi, Jazzy and sometimes Pepper are making Fimo shapes.

How divine is that purple crochet hook?

And Bren has been creative with this irrigation system. I'll try to explain it on my other blog at some stage if I can ever understand it.

Now you've seen ours, why don't you pop on over to Kootoyoo to see what everyone else is doing.


  1. WOW - lots of creativity in your part of the world.
    I LOVE your crocheted softie - beautiful. Those fimo pieces are super cool and felafel is one of my favourites!!!
    The irrigation system is beyond my understanding too... but I gotta say I'm loving the rhythm of the shapes - especially all the vertical pipes along the back.
    Wishing you all the best for today with your fancy feet and funky hair!

  2. I am absolutely smitten with your softie. Yum, I love felafel. Red shoes...enough said.

  3. So jealous of your shoe find! I would NEVER find shoes in the children's shoe pile - not unless there are some freaky children running around with size 10.5/11 feet.

    We have a glut of broad beans here too - I was considering just giving them to the chickens lol, but I guess I should... you know... cook....

  4. OH Kate!! Your softie is BEAUTIFUL!!! I ADORE HER!! So lovable!!! Just gorgeous.
    Love broad beans too, I hear they are abundant at the moment, and your shoes too. And FIMO my goodness brings back a lot of memories. xx

  5. 60c shoes! Brilliant.

    Your softie for mirabel is ace.

  6. Kate I tried those shoes on last week, they were in the ladies section! I so wanted them to fit but they were too hoo. So I lazily popped them in the kids shoe box where they have been looking up at me every time I visit. I'm so happy to see them on your feet! xo

  7. oooh the shoes are sooooooo lovely!!!! looks like a lot is going on =D

  8. Oh lovely!
    EVERYBODY needs at least one pair of red shoes... it's so good for the soul :-)

  9. a fabulous harvest!
    and those shoes are a great find ~ if you click your heels ...

  10. Mmm felafal , can I come for tea ?
    I've just read your post below Kate and had a little cry for me and for you . It was beautifully , beautifully written , thankyou so much .

  11. Love your new shoes, what a bargain!

    I also love Fimo, I discovered it during an extended stay in hospital as a child and have had a soft spot for it ever since :)

  12. It must be nice to have small feet and be able to wear shoes that size. Pity I wear size 10 and Isabelle already wears ladies size 3's so I dont think she will end up having small feet either. They look very nice too. Your softie looks wonderful and yes a hat indeed in this horrible heat. I am waiting for the weekend when it is hopefully going to be normal weather again. I like the girl's hairstyles too, very sweet.

  13. I just adore your softie but I love your shoes even more - great find!

  14. Red Shoes! Everyone should own a pair!

    Love the doll - the outfit is so darling x

  15. You, Bren and the girls must be in a really great place at the moment with all that creativity in your lives....

  16. It sure seems super creative around your parts at the moment. I love that softie's bright red hair, I bet she's a fiesty little soul. And what an excellent shoe find, they look so comfy. Thanks for your lovely comment :)

  17. Wow! That's a lot of creative goodness :) Love those shoes! Good luck with your softie - I'm still trying to start on mine... time's a ticking.. Have a lovely day. K

  18. There's always so much going n at your place Kate!
    Creative hair is fun - I am not given much chance for that at the moment as two people are obsessed with plaits like Dorothy from The Wizard of Oz...

  19. I love felafel!

    Broad beans, crumbled feta, mint, seasoning, olive oil...on toasted french stick...hmmm

  20. Lots of good creativity! Love the cute hairdos--can't wait til my girl has hair long enough to play with! And I love that the softie is purple!

  21. 60 cent cute red shoes may be one of the biggest bargains ive ever seen...and funny that beck had tried to sueeze her foot into them! love the fimo crochet hook

  22. She's marvelous!! The softie, I mean ;-) I'm yet to start one - a sock owl fist because it's quick, and then an attempt to make what's in my head a reality. Hmmm. I wonder if either of them will make the deadline!!!

    Broad beans are fantastic! Personally, I like them blanched and added to a pan of chorizo with some sherry vinegar & olive oil. Add some crusty bread and you have rather yummy tapas. Unless you're vegetarian, of course.....Also, again blanched & double peeled, added to a spring vege frittata with feta on top.....Stephanie has a recipe for a yummy dip if you have that book......I recently made salmon with peas and broad beans and asparagus in a ridiculously buttery mustard sauce which was yummy too!! I'll stop there.

    LOVE those red shoes.

  23. so much happening in your space ~ love all your pics.
    great score re shoes. your softie is coming along nicely :)

  24. Lots of lovely things in here...falafel sounds great, I guess I will have to join you one day for dinner(are you far from Vancouver?)HEHE- I love them but nobody else from my clan does...
    the shoes are fabulous! what a find
    And really your softie is adorable!
    Annamaria ;)

  25. What creations - by every member of the family!! I am in awe of your crochet doll -- AWESOME!!!!!! x

  26. gorgeous irrigation system, always gets me goin' lol. excellent shoes. yay green beans. x

  27. Great post - a very creative bunch you have there, in their own ways - love it!

  28. Another bus day was had at Foxs Lane! Love the red plaits and the fancy do's and the red shoes too! There's no place like home....

  29. Better not take those shoes off Sister...I really like them! What a find. Even if you did tap them together 3 times you'd be right where you are now home - and there is no place like it. Peta

  30. If Peta doesn't get there first I'm coming after the shoes too! 60 cents... hello?
    Loving the softie, and adoring the FIMO, oh the memories I have of fimo! What magical stuff.

  31. lots of busy creativity. love the shoes, hair, fimo, crochet and the beans. the irrigation i'm not so in love with but i'm sure it's great in a pipey kind of way

  32. that softie is soooooooo beautiful! love the colours and am very envious of your crochet skills! adorable crochet hook :)

  33. click click your dolly..:)

  34. HI KAte,
    Stephanie has a great recipe for a broad bean dip- have you got it? How did the falafel go?
    Hmm, we have complicated irrigation system too- my instructions were 'understanding appropriate' this morning- "pull out the yellow cord at 8am"!!!!

  35. Ooohh.. I love your softie, she is so beautiful and made so perfectly, clever you! I also love your cutie pie girls hair do's!! Very creative and I bet they love them!
    Thanks for stopping round mine and leaving such lovely comments. x

  36. That is one awesome soft, handmade toy!! It's purple and grand!!

    xo Steph

  37. Those shoes are devine!! And for 60c you can't go wrong.


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I do read every single comment you leave and appreciate it very much, but I should let you know that I can be a wee bit on the useless side when replying to comments, that's just me, everyday life sometimes gets in the I'll apologise now, just in case.

Kate XX

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