Wednesday, October 20, 2010

I'm loving...

Wowzers! What a lot of wonderful things we all have to be grateful for.
Thanks for all your honest and thoughtful comments, I am loving reading them.
The grateful giveaway is open until this Friday so be sure to enter.

Today I am also loving that the sun is shining and that the world smells like Spring.

I'm loving hanging the laundry outside on the line.

I'm loving sewing for me.

I'm loving that this morning my big girls emptied their piggy banks (literally) to pool their money together to buy Miss Pepper a birthday prezzy.

I'm loving freshly picked asparagus, silverbeet and garlic for lunch.

I'm loving being a pattern tester.

I'm loving that I am sleeping again after taking myself off the iron tablets.

I'm loving playing with photo booth.

I'm loving that we have quite a few celebrations in the next few weeks to come.

I'm loving wearing a skirt and tights and boots.

So much more but I have to run to pick up the girls from school.

Have a wonderful Wednesday. XX


  1. I love all your grateful comments too. It will make it impossible to win mind you, but wonderful that so many people have something good happening :)

  2. I love that you are loving all of these things.

    I loved making an apple pie today.
    I loved eating a piece.
    I could really taste the love.

  3. Happy that your having a wonderful day Kate!

  4. Lovely is all the love that you are beaming out into the world. Taa for that.

  5. Loving the photo booth pictures... uber ace indeedy.

    I too love hanging out the washing on a springs day.

  6. I was just thinking today how I love hanging the laundry outside in the sun and wondered why I always seem to put it off!

  7. Im loving the fact that I dont care about the washing today. Im gonna hang mine at midnight cos today im sewing even though I have a house full of teenagers!
    Im also loving that were having pizza for dinner tonight!
    Love your artwork! x

  8. Oh how I love photo booth for filling in a patch of time with my 2 1/2 year old! We sat down the other day to take some fun photos for a little while and stayed for much longer than planned!

  9. I love that you keep it real.

    Makes me realise I'm normal. Kinda.

  10. Goodness that break did you wonders. So awesome!!!

    Love the photo play too :)

  11. love this cool pics of you and Ms P.
    I love hanging washing out on days like this.
    Actually i just love when the weathers like this.
    Glad there's some sewing time in there too. xo

  12. I love that you're sewing for you! Can't wait to see the finished product...

  13. Wonderful :) the pictures are fun and so wonderful to hear about the girls joining forces!

  14. So important those grateful things to keep smiling :)Photo booth looks like huge fun!

  15. i love that you are all smiles & sleeping...that is very important!
    hope you have a great party today, happy birthday to cute Miss Pepper, hope she smiles alll day long.

    hugs to you & hope you can come to melbourne for a coffee get together sometime soon.


Thanks so much for stopping by...

I do read every single comment you leave and appreciate it very much, but I should let you know that I can be a wee bit on the useless side when replying to comments, that's just me, everyday life sometimes gets in the I'll apologise now, just in case.

Kate XX

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