Friday, November 20, 2009

Announcing the theme!

I am thrilled to be this week's theme queen for the My Place and Yours game over at Pip's lovely blog.

After a week of changing my mind and deciding and then redeciding, I have come up with a theme that really excites me and I hope it really excites you too.

My theme is MY COLLECTION!

I want to see a photo or photos of what it is that you collect.

Then if you feel like it you could let us know what your collection rules are;

Does it have to be green? Does it have to be from another country? Does it have to be second hand or a gift? Does it have to be old or complete?...

What constitutes a collection for you? Is it more than three of the same thing? Is it rare things?

Is your collection ongoing or is it complete?

...what's your story?

I am so excited to come and see.

For those that have never played along, this is how it works.
  1. Sometime over the next few days post on your blog your personal interpretation of this week's theme My collection. At the bottom of your post link back here to my blog, as this week's theme queen, and to Pip's blog, Meet me at Mikes, so other people who read your blog can see what it is all about and play too. Here is my last week's entry so you can see what it looks like.
  2. Tomorrow morning Miss Pip will post a blog over at Meet Me At Mikes announcing the week's theme, My collection.
  3. At the bottom of her post will be a list of all the people playing this week.
  4. At the bottom of the list, next to the last number, it will say You are next. Click here to enter your link.
  5. Once you have clicked there, you will find a space to fill in your name. You can put your blog name or your real name it really doesn't matter.
  6. Under this is a space for your blog URL.
  7. Click on the enter your link button and you are officially playing.
  8. Pour yourself a cuppa and click on some of the other links to have a sticky beak into the homes of other people all around the world and at their collections.
Does this all make sense?
Are you excited?
I am!
I really hope you can play along so I can come and visit you sometime over the weekend.


  1. Yes it makes sense !!! i am thinking ... nothing leaps out.... I want to play along though!!!

  2. Oh yay... I've been meaning to start playing, so this might be just the week to get me in there!
    Nice theme :-)

  3. Now this is a theme I can play along with!!

  4. perfect! won't well have so many photos? It will make me a bit giddy and jealous I think to see everyone's amazing goodies

  5. I cannot wait to see what everyone has. I think the only thing I collect are little cherubs around the place and knitting books, lol! I like yours Kate. The kids would love all those gumnuts.

  6. I am so in!! :D i have just a few collections going on in our nest. :) great choice for theme!

  7. Great theme, Kate, I LOVE it!. Although mine is pretty obvious x

  8. Best theme ever! Going to play along today. Wooo!

  9. Great theme Kate..BUT where do i BEGIN i'm a magpie i collect LOTSA STUFF!! i know it's gonna be fun playing along!!

  10. Hi Kate ~ I want to play right along! Quite a bit to do this weekend, but will join in as soon as I can.
    xo, K.

  11. Great theme...I need to join in this week :)

  12. yeahhheyyyy, what a great theme, will definitely play along!

    and....thank you so very, very, very much for my FABULOUS present!!!
    did you read my mind? how did you know that that would be my dream pincushion!!! LOVE it, mwaaaaaaaa ♥

  13. Definitely will play alone! Since the first day I started playing My Place and Yours, this has been the theme on my mind if I'm chosen as the theme queen! I guess I'm not the only one^0^

  14. Boy do I have a collection to show you...stay tuned :0)

  15. WOW Kate, my collections are my life - my life is my collection - hope you enjoy a smidge of my treasures ... sensaish choice, Thank YOU!

  16. Great theme! I always think i should play along but never find the time to get to it. But i now this theme will make for some amazing blog posts, so i'm off on a blog tour to admire some collections out there!

  17. I love this theme and I am in!!
    Going to take pics right this minute.
    PS - I love your beautiful blog. Love!

  18. The rubber duckies are fantastic!! (My Jack Russell loves her rubber duck - she carries him around in her mouth all the time!) I think I feel a new collection coming on...


Thanks so much for stopping by...

I do read every single comment you leave and appreciate it very much, but I should let you know that I can be a wee bit on the useless side when replying to comments, that's just me, everyday life sometimes gets in the I'll apologise now, just in case.

Kate XX

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