Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Lost day.

The other day I was listening to a podcast and the narrator was speaking about how she'd been sick in bed for the last few days and really enjoyed it. How she'd woken up each morning relieved that she was still sick enough to stay in bed. She spoke of how the household activities had moved on all around her and of how much knitting she'd gotten done.

I imagined her sitting in a bed with freshly laundered sheets, propped up on a mountain of plump, matching cushions, in a light and airy room with no piles of books or laundry to be seen.

I imagined that if I myself were to fall sick for a few days that I might enjoy it and get lots of knitting done too.

And sure enough, someone out there was listening and my wish came true.

Yesterday morning I woke up feeling disgusting. I got up and helped the big girls get ready for school and after they'd gone, I crawled back into bed. But it was anything but enjoyable. My body ached and I was shivering cold. Knitting, reading or even watching a movie were out of the question. All I could do was lie under the covers and hope for it to pass soon.

My Farmer Boy brought me cups of tea and heated up the hot pack but I worried about the load of laundry still wet in the machine from the night before, about the berries and plums needing to be jammed before they got mouldy, about pantry shelves that needed to be stocked, about dinner, about the crumbs in my bed and the wet towels on the bathroom floor. Really I was worried about all the things I was meant to do that day that would have to be done the next.

All in all it really wasn't the kind of day I would wish for again in a hurry. Or maybe next time I could be prepared with a kitchen full of food, dinner in the freezer, clean sheets and a neat and tidy house. Maybe I could organise for the girls to be picked up from school and ferried around to all their activities. Maybe my kids might be understanding and sympathetic and stroke my head and bring me the heat wheat...

But being sick certainly ain't all sitting up in bed knitting that's for sure. I did not, could not knit one stitch the entire day.

This morning I've woken up feeling about 75% better, but there's no way known I'm staying in bed again. I've got berries softening on the stove, a cake in the oven, my second load of laundry in the machine and a berry tea party to attend with Miss Pepper.

So how about you, do you get to be sick and enjoy the midday movie occasionally? Does the world keep moving around you or does it stop and mount up and wait for you to get out of bed?

Whatever the case, I do hope you are well and healthy and happy this fine Tuesday and for many Tuesdays to come.

See ya. XX


  1. Glad you are feeling better,I have been sick on and off the last few weeks 1st kidney stones then last few days bkadder infection and I couldnt do anything at all bar sleep and read hated it.Hope I can get going again soon maybe not as well as you have bit some crafting would be great,

  2. Kate I'm sorry you've been sick and are still not 100%, I hope you feel better soon.
    I'm sorry it wasn't the kind of sick you wanted, but generally when you get sick, it usually isn't ( stupid sickness)
    Like you when I get sick, I get real sick, and can't do anything, except stress all the needs to be done, and the world moving at a fast past around me. I'm glad Bren was there to bring you cups of tea and check in.
    sending you big hugs xoxo

  3. I'm feeling for you Kate. There is too much to worry about when we are ill!! So brilliant that Bren was there to help you. Hope you are feeling better during the day today.X

    (we had to to move hotel rooms again on the weekend, while I had food poisoning. reminded me of labour contractions!)

  4. It always looks good on paper, doesn't it?

  5. So sorry you were rotten. I hope you are back to rights soon. I'm not a good sick person. The only time I allow for bed is when I have no other choice, and that means I am much too ill to stitch anything! I always fret how far behind it's going to make me.
    Do try to take good care of yourself my dear!

  6. Gah I was (I thought) DYING yesterday afternoon & I can't say I enjoyed it either... it was sodding awful.

    Here is to a speedy rise up to 100%..


  7. Hi Kate

    Hope you get better soon - we missed you last night as knitting skills were in demand!!!

    Take care and see you soon


  8. Yep, the only thing wrong with being sick in bed is the sick bit. Glad you are on the mend now!

  9. Glad you are feeling better today...the photos of those berries are amazing!
    I suffer from Chronic pain and quite often find myself having sick days in bed - they aren't fun !!! It does sound good on paper and I always have people telling me how nice it must be to have ALL that time ! It's only nice if you can actually DO things!
    Enjoy the yummy berries, Dee x

  10. We went on holiday once when the kids were little and I got really sick with flu. I can still remember the luxury of being able to stay in bed while their dad took them off to the beach! I felt terrible but not having to get up was such luxury.
    I'm glad you are feeling better :-)

  11. Oh...god kate, the wheels totally fall off the wagon here!!! No...tell sick to go away!!!!

  12. From somebody who is sick every day there really is nothing enjoyable about it. The trick is to find some way, some thing to make it a bit better. If you're stuck in bed - a book. If you can't read then perhaps a DVD. If none of that is possible, just lie there and think how lucky you are to have a cosy bed and the opportunity to rest. And do not think about all of the things you could/should be doing. It just makes you sad.

  13. I hope your feeling better Kate! I think with all the different weather we have been having there are so many germs flying around. I didnt feel very well yesterday arvo either and had a lie down. Luckily Paul cooks when I dont feel well so I do get to stay in bed but I dont do any knitting at all, just try to sleep!

  14. Mums cant get sick didnt you know?
    At least not in my house, laying in bed is way too stressful.
    Im glad youre up but try not to do too much, x

  15. What a bummer Kate. Maybe if we had a couple of days prior warning to an illness we would enjoy the bed rest/knitting etc more.

  16. Hope you are feeling totally better soon. Being sick is the pits - no time for lying in bed knitting here, I still have to do all that needs to be done. If I do end up in bed then I am truly too sick to enjoy it.

  17. I've never yet had an illness where i've enjoyed lazing about knitting etc...much like yourself I either feel completely crappy or worry constantly about what isn't getting done in my absence.
    Hope you're feeling much better.
    Em xxxxxx

  18. Poor you! Sunday sickness here but completely self imposed so no deserved sympathy.

    Hope you are felling 100% by tommorrow.

  19. Sorry to hear that you aren't well, hon. Hope you are 100% soon. The world sort of keeps moving. Hubby does his best but seems to have a lot of questions about running the household and it runs at a bare minimum. So while I enjoy anything that keeps me in bed as long as I can knit, read or watch old movies, it is tempered by the fact that I know how much housework is back logged. I guess I have my answer about the raspberries though... ;)

  20. Glad you're feeling better!!

  21. You called your post 'Lost day', Kate. But in reality it was a day during which you found out something really important.
    P.S. I'm glad you're feeling better.
    P.P.S. Great photographs. Literally mouthwatering.

  22. I'm sending healthy thoughts your way Kate. Oodles of tea and toast with the homemade jam will do wonders xx

  23. Sorry to hear that you felt so under the weather yesterday. I hope you feel better tomorrow sweet:). Enjoy your berry tea party, it's so beautiful. xo

  24. Wow...Sounds like we have a had a very similar 24 hours. I woke up aching and feeling dreadful, got the kiddies off to school and thought I could just potter about but no, I was totally incapacitated and couldn't even read my novel in bed. The birds were chirping outside and I knew there were blackberries ready to be picked (which the kids happily did when they got home)75% better today, making some banana bread and a lovely dinner with lots of veggies. Hope you pick up doing the week!

  25. I hope you are feeling better. I was exactly the same yesterday and had the day off work. All I managed was three loads of washing and to collect the kids from school. Can't imagine an organised house unless I am organising it. So good to hear that you already have the berries on x

  26. Hugs- hope that you are on the mend. Shivers is not good an not at all helpful if attempting to knit.

    I have two sickies here at the moment - they have spent the best part of four days camped outon the lounge room floor.

  27. I couldn't think of anything worse than being stuck in bed all day (even if it involved a bit of crafting).
    Wishing you a super speedy recovery!

  28. hope you are feeling on top of the world again soon Kate! i hate being stuck in bed.


  29. Hi Kate,
    Sometimes things just have to wait... take care of yourself so that you are there to care for the ones you love.
    Sending you hugs, a virtual cup of tea, a load of washing done, and a dozen jars of jams put up!!!!!!! ;)

  30. :-) I no longer can't imagine enjoying being sick enough to stay in bed, because I would have to be really really really sick. Had the flu just before Christmas and spent almost three days in bed as I was feeling horrible, had no energy or appetite. I wasn't all that stressed about the household tasks not getting done and luckily for me my daughter was also sick, so she was happy to stay next to me most of the time and nap or listen to books. But I was so glad to get better and be able to do everything that needed to be doing. I'd rather stay healthy and postpone knitting in bed all day until the kids are all grown up and out of the house.

  31. To make you feel better I would like to say that I am 99.9% certain that the woman you heard interviewed was not telling the truth. Hope you feel better soon.

  32. I dread getting sick as it takes days to play catch up once I am well. Glad to hear you are feeling better..hope you are 100% soon.

  33. power of the mind hey! hope you are feeling better now, being sick is no fun...next time maybe just imagine the being free to be in bed for a few days bit x x x

  34. Hope you're feeling 100% soon! I def know what you mean. Time goes on and that laundry and cleaning is all I think about when I'm ill!!!

  35. My fella went away for a couple of weeks for work recently and while he was away I completely did my back in. My parents in law were staying already and the physio said I must stay in bed. Bit like you though, no resting, really. Pretty dreadful. Had to get help lifting the baby out of her cot. I love the idea of lying in bed for two days unable to move. The reality sucked though. Hope you're 100% better tomorrow. xxx

  36. Oh, that reminds me of the Sylvia Plath poem 'Tulips' - do you know it? (The text doesn't seem to be available online, so I can't link to it.) It's about relinquishing the outside world - family, responsibility, daily life - and just collapsing into inertia. It takes a certain mindset to want that, I think.

    Glad to hear you're feeling a bit better. I hope you can get some enjoyable rest (and some good knitting time) to recover the rest of the way.

  37. Poor you - the shivering kind of sickness is just miserable. Actually I had to hide under a doona on the couch yesterday afternoon - it came on very suddenly and meant that Stephen had to make scrambled eggs for the kids dinner and get them ready for bed, while I shivered and ached and slept. Not so bad today though (made my blackberry jam today too!).

    And as for the woman knitting while sick - I wonder if she was faking it just a little bit!

    Wishing you rude health!

  38. I used to like getting sick - before children. but these days it's a nightmare and thanks to the beauty of mother nature, you don't tend to get sick as much as you get older. I can never relax - unless I am so ill that I can't move. And that's the thing - you have to be pretty darn sick to take a day off, which means you can't possibly enjoy yourself.
    Give me good health any day!!
    Hope you are much better and that you enjoy your day.

  39. I hope you are feeling better Kate.
    I think those dreamy sick days spent knitting and watching mid day movies surely are all done and dusted when you have kids. Life continues on around here, last time I was really sick I lay on the floor, counting the seconds 'til Dadda came through the door after work so I could quietly die on my bed. (With dinner already made.)
    Healthy thoughts to you.

  40. the only sick days i get are when i'm so very sick i can get nothing but lie there in agony... usually my only sick days come when i have serious migraines and am vomiting and in severe pain... i am usually moving between my bed and the bathroom :( anything less than that i don't get a sick day... colds, fevers, flus... i gotta keep getting up and being the SAHM... so definitely nothing gets done when i am sick... knitting? i think she can't have been very sick :)

  41. hear you loud and clear. i hope that sickness train leaves the station soon and for good 'cos you and i both know that the house cleaning/cooking/childminding/gardening/tidying/washing/ironing fairy aint due to call around anytime soon (worse luck)
    so feel better miss kate, positive knitting thought coming your way

  42. I really would give anything to just have a day..... no make that a week of being healthy! Being able to do all the things I love like sewing and painting all day and still have energy for my family at the end of it and be the mother and partner I was, what a gift that would be, and have the energy to blog and take photos like I used to, even that has gone down the tube the last 6 months. Hoping you are completely well soon xx

  43. Luckily for me the boys are getting older so getting sick is not such a disaster as it once was. I've just had a nasty dose of shingles for the whole school holidays so I would drag myself into town every third day so the boys could wear themselves out at the pool, then we could get some groceries and come home to collapse into bed. Nothing got done by anyone else but my boys did make me lovely cups of tea and watched an awful lot of TV! I an still catching up on putting away the clean folded washing!!!

    I would love a sick day to stay in bed and knit all day :-)

  44. thank you for your lovely comment kate. here's to next week being better and healthier for both of us! love your berry photos and your family stories. just lovely. happy friday.


Thanks so much for stopping by...

I do read every single comment you leave and appreciate it very much, but I should let you know that I can be a wee bit on the useless side when replying to comments, that's just me, everyday life sometimes gets in the way....so I'll apologise now, just in case.

Kate XX

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