I'm not making a list of new year's resolutions this revolution. I didn't keep my resolutions last year or probably the year before so there's really no point.
Instead I have decided to declare 2012 my year of happiness. The whole year!!!!
I've got a pretty good idea of what makes me happy and I'm going to dedicate the next year to implementing these things.
I realise it might come across as a bit self indulgent, but I know that when I am happy I am a better wife, mother, friend, daughter, sister, person....so its also kinda not self indulgent at all.
I'm using My happiness recipe that I wrote while we were away as a starting point.
Love where you live.
Shake up the routine.
Love the ones you're with.
Remember how lucky you are.
Be brave and change.
You can do it.
Be more social.
Indulge once in a while.
Get active.
Eat well and drink lots of water.
Also not on that list are be creative, grow lots of stuff, read books, get outside as often as you can, beware of clutter, stop talking and start doing and remember that you are not responsible for other people's grumpiness.
It's an ongoing work in progress. I know I'm going to have to check in with this list and in with myself often but it feels doable this year.
So lovely peeps, a big cheers to a wonderful and super-dooper happy 2012.
Thank you for sharing this great adventure with me and my gang and here's to many, many more.
Lotsa love,
Kate xx