Saturday, January 30, 2016

thirtieth - a giveaway

Oh my goodness you guys there is only one day left in January this year. Which means after this post there is only one post left in my blog-a-thon for this year. And one more day of our summer holidays for this year. Wow! Wasn't New Year's Eve like a couple of days ago, a week at most?

So I guess the most appropriate thing to do on the second last post is to give some stuff away. Just for fun. Kinda like a thank you for coming along for the ride and holding my hand and making me feel like I'm not alone in this crazy uncoordinated dance I'm doing.

The prize is made up of five parts;

  1. My book! It's called Vantastic: Retro holidays in the modern world and it's full of pictures and stories from the caravan trip we took up the centre of Australia and down the west coast a few years ago. There's loads of practical info, craft how-to's, recipes and heaps more fun stuff. If you like caravans and family and adventures - then this book is for you!
  2. That Dotty Angel dress pattern that I bought two of by accident. I still haven't made mine but hopefully you'll get yours off the cutting table, onto the machine and be wearing it before I've even opened the packet and chosen my fabric. And you'll look great in it of course.
  3. A couple of wash-cloths I crocheted.
  4. An apple carry bag that I screen printed.
  5. A copy of Slow Living magazine that includes an article I wrote about craft as therapy and the pattern for the wash-clothes above.
Cool?! Awesome.

To enter leave me a comment below telling me something you think I'd like to know. Simple.

You gotta be in it to win it folks. 

Big love,




  1. Hi, well just ate pasta with feta, balsamic vinegar and garlic.
    Plus our tomatoes and basil. Nothing tastes fresher than your own grown stuff!
    Have enjoyed your blogathon very much.

  2. Oh Kate, I just read your post from yesterday and wanted to let you know that it gets so much better once school goes back. I felt like the worst mother in the world being snappy and impatient with my son on Wednesday, then on Thursday he had his very first day of prep. I had no idea how stressed I was about it until it was over. It's like a big weight has lifted! We're all settling into our new routine now and our house is much happier. I hope your household settles quickly into the rhythm of the school year. xxx

  3. I found the old tape of that track you inspired back at high-school. Just gotta digitise it :P

  4. We just drove the kids up the coast of Tassie today, cause I just had to visit my fav beach today. 10 hrs of driving and we are home, but so worth it :) xx

  5. Wow! What a great giveaway Kate! Something I think you'd like to know......that's a tough one.

    I think you'd like to know that you have inspired me sooooo much over the years. Knitting, crochet, crafting, gardening. Thank you so much.

    Something year I turn 50..... OMGoodness, I can't believe it. Sometimes I feel like I'm a little girl. Sometimes I feel older, but definitely not nearly 50. What I do feel though, is that I need to make every single day count. I need to listen to my heart every day and to do what makes me feel happy and healthy. Some days I need to go with the flow, other days I need to work on some of my goals. Some days I need to relax and take it easy, other days I need to get stuff done. I need to live a simple, slow, gentle, heart centred life.

    Thanks for the chance to win this gorgeous giveaway. Love Julie xo

  6. I'd like to know how and when you became such a total bloody legend. Seriously.

  7. Hi Kate, I think you would like to know that I have found an amazing alpaca farm just 5ks from my sons preschool....guess where I'm stopping for some yarn after drop off??
    Tania Cole

  8. I checked out your book Vantastic from the library and enjoyed reading it very much. It was very first book I checked out of the library after we arrived in NZ. I was thrilled that I could place a hold on it and have it sitting for me there.I tried your pancake recipe from the book and my kids loved it. so it's a regular recipe now :)

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Now I want a red apple and I don't have one ! :D It was nice waking up today : it is raining hard and I don't have to go outside and I really love the sound of rain when I'm in my bed and don't have to go outside :)

  10. Hello Kate
    I've enjoyed the blogathon a lot..thank you
    I'm not sure if you ever have time to read novels but our book club book this month was Kate Atkinson's "Life after life" which I just loved and am recommending far and wide

  11. I've got two things I think you'd like to know!
    1- I still get a crazy amount of comments on the granny square TV cover I made years ago after seeing the one you made. From "What The?" To "How Cool!"

    2- My brother and his wife stayed with us over New Years in their caravan and my brother was telling me about the around Australia trip he dreams about taking his family on. My sis in law isn't so sure about that amount of time in a caravan! I was telling her about your book and had decided in my head to give it to them for their 10yr wedding anniversary in April.


  12. This is such an amazing giveaway! I have had your book and that pattern on my wishlist for a while now. All my fingers and toes are crossed!
    I borrowed your book from the library last year and i couldn't put it down. Such lovely pictures and the pancake recipe is the bomb. Your blog is a huge inspiration to me as we try to simplify and beautify house and our lives.
    Thanks for the chance to win! Xo

  13. HI Kate. I love your blog, your thoughts, what you do. I have followed you since the beginning and empathize with many of the issues you've faced. With much love. Xx

  14. As I sit here dancing my dad baby to sleep at the end of a long day, there's little I can think of except that January has been my month of starting to ease back into being me for what feels the first time since my son was born. I've done some knitting, and boy that has felt good. And seen some simple clothes that make me happy whenever I wear them. My year of less, to enable to me to have more moments and enjoy the things I love is off to a good start.

  15. Hi Kate
    I have enjoyed reading along this month. Amazing how quickly time flies by - I always thought that was a myth as a kid ... but realise it is a fact now I am older :)

    Something you would like to know? Mmmmmmm ... did you know a group of pugs is called a 'grumble', a group of bunnies is called a 'fluffle' and a group of kittens is called a 'kindle' (long before it was known as a reading device!!)

    I love adding fun facts at the end of letters I write. But you know the one that makes me smile the most (even when I don't feel like smiling) is that everyday, someone - somewhere in the world - is having the best day of their life!

    thanks for hosting a great giveaway xx

  16. Hi Kate I have loved your January blogging-I'd like you to know that sometimes I stayed up a little later than normal so I could read how your day went :) But also one more thing, I made my Dottie Angel dress thanks to you mentioning it on your blog and telling me where I could get the pattern(love the dress)-so now I'd like you to know that there is another dress I want to make via you via @Loritimesfive-@One100actsofsewing ! I think you would like her patterns too.This blogging/instagram community is really ace to be part of. Thanks for sharing xx Julia

  17. Hi Kate! :)
    Hmm... you may not like to know.. but I've needed to spew it out to someone. My daughter started kindy on Friday... and I think I'm losing the plot.. I didn't think the transition would be that big a deal, she's excited, we're so happy with the school. She's the eldest of our three and I'm struggling ever so much wtih the realisation that she is off now, off in the world of schooling, friendships, struggling through on her own. SHINING through on her own too! Oh boy... I'm a hot mess of emotions!!
    Your pretty pictures always bring a smile to my face! Have loved your daily posts in January! :) xx

  18. Hi Kate, I also have a farmer boy he grows apples, pears,plumbs and persimmons and also likes to build things..
    Have a great last day of January X

  19. Something you'd like to know.... My next knitting mission is to attempt two socks at a time, thanks to you. And my veggie patch is coming along nicely here in Cape Town, South Africa - I want lots of my own fresh produce like yours. I love your blog, keeps me inspired!

  20. I think you would be pleased to know that the 'Granny Hottie Cover' seed that you planted a couple of years ago is thriving in Bognor Regis... I have just finished another one for my daughter!

  21. Hi Kate, hard to believe a month has gone already isnt it! Something you would like to know..... You inspire me, I think if you as my friend and mulberries are my favorite berry and the most underrated fruit there is! Have a happy Sunday xxBrenda

  22. You know I knew that tomorrow was the 31st but seeing you say there's only one day left of this month still took me by surprise. I mean, if January has gone this fast what is the rest of the year going to be like?!

    Your giveaway looks wonderful, as do those delicious apples! I think you'd like to know that I wish our sheep hadn't eaten our apples this year, and that even though the tree flowered a second time they managed to prune it again. They're well away from our apples now and hopefully next year the little twigs that the apples are now will have grow into slightly bigger baby trees.

    I'm looking forward to reading your last blog-a-thon post tomorrow!
    Sarah x

  23. I think you'd like to know that there is winter sun here and it's making a complicated time seem easier. xo.

  24. I think you would like to know that my grandfather had an orchard but when the money went out of apples they ripped the whole thing up. Very sad. I have been enjoying your blog

  25. I think you'd like to know what a treat coming to your blog is- it's the breath of fresh country farm air I need so much & don't currently have in my real life, but here I can run away for a few minutes with my coffee & listen to your farm stories and dream away:)

  26. I've loved reading your blog every day this month. I also love your photographs of your apples, on the tree, off the tree....I have one little apple tree in my garden. I have high hopes for it :)

  27. I've had many worries about the new school year - bullying and fights on the bus my son catches, new school uniform for kids that is not practical for young boys including a tie that is causing concerns for parents with very active children. Also concerns that children who don't attend scripture class or wear the ridiculous new uniform may not be chosen for things. Not to mention I've fallen ill with a terrible sore throat and head cold. I feel some online solidarity when I read other mothers worry about new school transitions and difficulties. In some way it is almost comforting. Anyway I've dragged myself out of bed to make chicken soup and stock and oh my it is so soothing to throat and soul. xx

  28. Hi Kate, I'm not sure what you would like to know... As I don't really wish to own all your prizes because I already have your book and the issue off slow and I'm not much of a sewer so I don't need the pattern but I would love the wash cloths and the bag and then the rest you could share around with other worthy readers. But I thought that I would tell you that I think even though at times you might not feel it that you are doing a fabulous job as a mumma. From reading your blog I can tell that your girls are getting a lifestyle opportunity that so many other children are not and that by the way you worry that you clearly love your babies (even though they are growing into teens) so much. So even though life sometimes might not be as smooth sailing as you would wish you are growing amazing, well rounded humans. From one mother to another lots of love Bec xx

  29. Hi Kate,
    I think you'd like to know that there is a dedicated annual "hug a sheep" day, which falls on the last Saturday in October. ( google it; it's a thing...). That gives you nine months to catch and tame those sheep of yours. Apparently the best way to train sheep is to train them to come by rattling grain in a bucket; they love their food. Another interesting sheep fact is that they tend to make "best friends". But after being shorn, they won't recognise each other, so they may fight. All very fascinating.

  30. Your blog inspires me to let go of my beautiful boy a little bit and allow his to play out in the street a little bit without my supervision in our suburban world.

  31. Kate- I love reading your posts. Your farm life is very different than mine, and so it's fun to peek into how other farmers live. Thanks for the giveaway. You're book is in my wish list.

  32. Hmmmm.... I'm starting dance classes on Tuesday...... and for this slightly unfit forty one year old mama who hasn't danced in 30 odd years its a little scary :) But here goes! 2016 is the year for doing not procrastinating! Love the giveaway xx

  33. Thank you for keeping the art of blogging alive, Kate. Your photos and words are always something to look forward to.

    Hmmm. Now what would you like to know...When I was a teenager, I collected a large number of Agatha Christie books. This summer, about 30 years later, I have written the list of those that I don't have and am starting to look through 2nd hand book shops to see if I can finish my collection.

  34. It's a lovely Saturday morning in Athens, Greece, the weather is warm enough to sit outside and have a cup of coffee and all flower shops are full with freesias, bliss :-)

  35. My sewing machine is still in a plastic cover after its maintenance service One Year Ago 😳

  36. Completely random fact that you might (or might not!) want to know. Have you heard of Stilton cheese? Well, there is a Stilton cheese rolling competition every year in Stilton in Cambridgeshire, UK. People roll the cheese down the high street from one pub to the other to see who can do it faster. Loads of people come from miles round to watch. (I've never been but may go this year. I don't live far away.)

    Thanks for the giveaway!

  37. Thank you for your beautiful images and thoughts, it's been a treat to look forward to every day. I haven't read your book yet, but am interested to do so. As a child my family holidays were often spent in a tiny 1950's egg-shaped caravan that was so cleverly designed inside. I recently found out the history of this caravan, purchased by my mother as a young woman. Granny had always wanted to see the Great Barrier Reef, so Mum bought the van and my aunt bought the car, and they took Granny on holiday. I recently found the brochure and receipt for the caravan that Mum had kept. Jx

  38. While you and your family are enjoying your summer holidays I have been tagging along in the warmth and sunshine! Right now I'm looking at the remainder of last week's snowstorm - 23 inches out my front window! I love your blog because, although I am now a grandmother of nine, I get so much joy out of reading your words. My daughter homeschools her children so I pass on ideas from your blog to her and I love seeing pictures of your gardens when it's freezing cold here!

  39. i think you should know that in The Netherlands it's not aloud anymore to get free plastic bags from the stores.
    We want to reduce the plastic.
    So if you're in the store you will need to bring your own bags.
    If i win i would like to have the apple- bag whitch will be used well.
    I already have your beautiful book! Concidentally yesterdag i bought the same sewing pattern for myself.

  40. Hello Kate!
    I haven't commented yet this month but I have so enjoyed reading your posts everyday. Your photos are so lovely and your farm life is such a contrast to my city life.
    Thank you for your lovely giveaway!

  41. I want chickens and lambs in my backyard. I don't want the work of taking care of them. so I am wise enough to just read about them on your blog. thanks. oh and by the way I want the whole giveaway. smiley face.

  42. Gosh, you're girls are darling. Your blog, inspiring. Love all the photos. You're very talented. My favorite is the one of you hugging your husband. You got it, girl.

  43. Lovely giveaway. I think you and your girls would love to do some Adult Colouring with the new books that are out at the moment :)

  44. Hi Kate. Did you know that the south west of WA has just been through terrible bushfires ? We stayed to defend our property. I was so scared. I know bushfire is always a threat for you too. My husband was so brave and he had a leg injury at the time too. Thank you for the giveaway. I would love the apple bag . Xx julie

  45. Hi Kate I thought you might like to know my favourite words of Cymraeg (Welsh) ... Poppity Ping is (bad) Welsh for microwave, pysgod wibbly wobbly is (bad) Welsh for jelly fish and my most favourite of all and proper Welsh too is bendigedig! Which translates as Fantastic, Wondrous, Brilliant, Blessed :)

  46. Can I enter even if I am not in Australia? I always love reading your blog especially now because we are in the middle of rainy cold weather and I get to read about warm summer and harvests! I am a homeschooling mom of 5 and we live on an urban farm in the Pacific Northwest, USA. We don't have a great deal of room here but my parents are organic farmers and have milk sheep that they use for yogurt and cheese so we get lots of produce, eggs, and dairy products from them. I am a fellow fiber lover and I spin, felt, and crochet. My family loves adventure and last summer we took a nearly 4,000 mile round trip adventure half away across the US in our little pop up camping trailer, visiting National Parks (and my husband had a conference he attended in Chicago).

  47. I think you should know that apple anything makes me all kinds of nostalgic in the best of ways. Seeing that apple bag you screen printed made my heart beat deeper! It brings me back to living with my grams and gramps on their apple orchard - picking apples, making cider and pies, the apple decorated farmhouse, and the ever fun riding lawnmower that my grandpa would dump me out the back of. Thanks for always taking me back to that old farmhouse with your apple-y goodness! - Mel

  48. I think you would (and should) like to know that your blog brings a lot of pleasure and inspiration to people all over the world!

  49. I dream about having your lifestyle, or having it when I was young like your daughters have it now. My longtime dream is to have a little house, a big garden and some chickens and grow, do,craft all I can - but the last couple of years has been rough and with one brainsurgery and MS I am no longer sure the dream will be possible. Right now I am hanging on by the nails through good blogs like this, reading all the books I can find and crafting and baking what I can. Weirdly enough it is possible to mourn something you´ve never had. Thank you for writing, posting and showing pictures! It really helps to imagine that life and I am so very thankfull for that gift

  50. Hi Kate, I bribe a few friendly sheep with food, sheep rolls, so they follow me and the rest follow them, judas sheep we call them, but it makes it much easier to move them.
    I'm keeping my fingers crossed to win the Slow Living magazine as I tried to subscribe online but its not available in the uk on android, much sadness.

  51. I have enjoyed your blog posts and Instagram photos as a daily dose of summer while I'm struggling to make it through winter in the United States. This was especially true last weekend when I was snowed in.

  52. I would love to have each of these! Many years ago, almost two decades, I left my career as a businesswoman to care for my family and follow quilting professionally, tutoring as well as empowering other woman to become creators and entrepreneurs. I live in South Africa with my husband and youngest daughter, still quilting nineteen years later, and falling in love with the profession over and over.

  53. hey kate - we had a blast of summer xmas in nz. Hung out in hokitika and went to the sock knitting machine museum. Bought some yarn and ( inspired by you) have just knitted my first pair of 'toe up two at a time' socks. Back in wintery wales now in front of the fire - but have a hatful of summer memories to keep me going. x

  54. I'd likevto know hoq tocacreenbprint. I love the apple bag.

  55. Thank you Kate for your lovely blog, which I so enjoy following. After a busy day I treat myself to a dose of sunshine each evening through your words and pictures. It has really helped the damp grey days of a British January pass and given me a little boost and I am truly grateful. Take care and enjoy the final day of the holiday and best wishes for the new challenges and routines the new term will bring.

  56. I would love to win your wonderful goodies, something to know...hmmm
    When I was in my 20's I picked apples while travelling around Australia, in a caravan it's my husband. In the Adelaide Hills, it was hard and dirty work as you know. From those Woolley afid things , the terrible ladders, up and down in the heat. But I learnt nothing, nothing tastes as good as an apple straight from the tree. To this day as I bite into an apple I wish for that juicy,crunchy,perfect apple..straight from the tree...aah memories. P.s I am the one waiting for your next novel!

  57. Thank you so much for your wonderful blog. I thought you might like to know that your blog is being enjoyed way on the other side of the world in Switzerland. Your beautiful pictures make me long for warmer days.

  58. I don't have a caravan but I live n an old limestone farmhouse and love all things country. Love your blog and reading about your adventures.

  59. Te leo desde España y comparto tu forma de vida, con huerto y gallinas. Mi marido es esquilador y jardinero, producimos aceitunas y setas. Yo soy artesana, trabajo la madera y la lana. Tenemos en nuestra agenda de futuro viajar a Australia algún día con nuestra pequeña hija Yeya. Te enviamos un saludo cariñoso desde el Mediterraneo.

  60. Hi Kate, I thought you'd like to know that I have been working on my family tree for the past 35 years now (I started as an 18yo) and that 5 days ago I paid for my flight to Scotland and England in May! You're the very first online person I've told this to! I am so UNBELIEVABLY excited about this - I simply can't wait to explore the towns and villages that my ancestors lived, worked, and died in - Helston in Cornwall, Cupar in Fife, Scotland, and Portree on the Isle of Skye! Eeeppppp - am fit to burst!! Hugs, Tracy x

  61. Your blog is one of the reasons I learned to knit!!

  62. Something you'd like to know, erm, how about I quote I heard of that tickled me....
    'Chocolate comes from cocoa, which is a tree, that makes it a plant. Chocolate is salad.'

  63. Your blog is one of the reasons I learned to knit!!

  64. Your blog is one of the reasons I learned to knit!!

  65. I'd like you to know that you have a way of painting with words that somehow knits itself into the part of my heart that holds all of my warm treasures. I'd like you to know that you inspire me to think big while embracing the small. And lastly, I'd like you to know that your blog has become a compass for me; reminding me to reach out to and simultaneously hold close -- all that is truly dear.

  66. Hi, Kate. What a generous giveaway! Something you'd like to know...hmmmm....I recently discovered that rosemary goes great with stonefruits like plums, peaches and apricots. I'm pretty sure you'd have an abundance of both growing at your place so, now you know this most amazing fact, you could try the two together in the topping for a cake. Fact and food! Really enjoyed your blog-a-thon and look forward to reading about your school run adventures. Best of luck for the beginning of it all. Meg:)

  67. Hi. We had our annual Wassail here in Abingdon Oxfordshire today. I'm not sure if it is something that you do, but it is a ceremony to bless the apple trees and ask for a good harvest in the coming year and an excuse to drink hot apple cider. I didn't go this year as I have a cold. I did go last year and drank from the communal apple cider cup and caught a cold! You can't win either way!!! bx xxx

  68. Lovely giveaway,so generous of you.Love reading your blog,especialy your travel adventures last year.Crocheter for years,learn to knit from the net last year,knit scarfs and hats,and my next plan is socks.Have some yarn already,join sockalong group to help me on the way of I get stuck so hope to have my first knitted socks very soon.Have a great new week together with your familly.

  69. Hi Kate, love your style - I want you to know the frank beauty and truth you share with your readers lights up this world, you're doing good!

  70. Dear Kate, you are an inspiration... and so full of love. Thank you for sharing your intimate thoughts so honestly, eloquently and courageously. Your commitment to family, community and our earth supports me on a similar path. Thank you.

  71. Oooh please let it be me Kate, I will read them, sew it (badly), use them, carry it...everywhere. I found a lucky penny today and passed it on for luck. Ermm something you would like to favourite way to eat apples: sliced, under cheese on top of toast :-)

  72. I'm not sure this is also for your readers abroad, but I'll give it a try! I would like to send you this short animated film from this beautiful book I've just read " The man who planted trees". I think you will enjoy it.
    I love your blog :)

  73. Have really enjoyed your everyday blogging Kate and love the look of your giveaway.
    Something you'd like to know? Perhaps, that I am this Sunday smoking 30 kg of beautiful bacon, that tomorrow will be sliced and packaged. I can tell you there is nothing that compares to home-made bacon.

  74. Hi Kate,
    Hmmm......what little snippet of goodness to share with you.....because it is zucchini season and because we found 2 grow-normous ones hiding this is what we do with them. Chop them in huge chunks, boil them, let them go cold,add some milk powder and rolled oats and feed them to the chooks as a summer snack the chooks get goodies in winter when it is cold now it is summer and the grass is low it is just a little extra love for them and they gobble it up. Light and Love, Jude x

  75. Enjoyed your Blog A Thon!! I got together with a group of friends and worked on sewing and quilting projects all day. I have one quilt ready for the professional quilter, one that needs a border and it will be ready and one that is sandwiched that I will quilt myself. It's so much more fun working with friends when you're trying to get projects completed. I would LOVE a copy of your book!! I envy your life on the farm with your three beautiful daughters but not all the hard work. I'm thinking of you as the "Pickle Queen" with all those cucumbers!!! Thanks for the joy you bring to us.

  76. Such a delectable collection of lovely things....your book and that pattern...sigh...thanks for taking the time to write in this space, you inspire me (and others too!). We shifted to a country house 3 months ago and right now we are establishing a new vegetable garden - I am feeling so inspired by how well things are growing already that I want to quit my job and be in the garden all day (and I only work part time...). My three kids all start a new school this week and I am really feeling for them too. x Jo

  77. Hi Kate, I absolutely love your blog!! It is what I look forward to most each day. It has been helping me just as much as it has been helping you. I promise. I probably should have told you this in an early post but here I go anyway. I am 18 and have only just (at the end of last year) graduated from high school. My sister and I bused it an hour each way to and from school. It did take up a lot of my time. Many of my hobbies suffered (gardening, crafting, cooking, etc) but now that I have finished I wouldn't have had it another way. It was worth it all for the people, the teachers and the environment in which I learnt. I am sure your girls will feel the same. Now I have time to do anything I want, reading your book, sewing, and using. How exciting! You blog gave me great inspiration during my last long school days and gave me hope that soon I will be able to do everything I enjoy and love. Good luck to you and your family! I must go and plant my very late summer seedlings in the ground, and check the bees and … You get it. Never ending but we love it! All the best. Evie xx Ps I have just starting knitting your Amanda cardigan. I am sooo excited.

  78. Hi Kate, Warts and all you are living the life millions aspire to, surrounded by the love of your family and sustained by the earth. Keep on showing us how to do it without being overwhelmed by the pressure to be perfect.

  79. I don't know very much because I'm just a rookie spinner, BUT you need to join the Australian Handspinners and Knitters Group on Facebook - ABSOLUTE FONT OF WOOLY KNOWLEDGE. They got me started on my fleece buying/spinning/dyeing/knitting addiction! - Join us! xxx

  80. Hmm, what do I tell you, I guess you know about the birds & the bees right.. lol, organically speaking of course!
    How about I tell you about something that happened to me yesterday, so it doesn't happen to you. I lost every single file on my computer. Every single one. Every photo. Every document. Every pattern. Every recipe. Why? I must have clicked some 'innocent' link from Facebook and BAM... my computer was hijacked and all my files are gone. Although the files are still kind of there on my laptop, I can't use them or open them as they have been 'kidnapped' and held to ransom by some stupid criminal nerdy hackers. I'm not going to pay them any money. I have decided not to stress about it, otherwise I'd cry & loose sleep. Instead, we cut our losses, set our laptop back to the factory default settings and will start all over again but this time, I will use cloud storage to store all my files, not my laptop. Also, my vacuum cleaner died but that probably had more to do with me, my impatience of trying to pull out a barbie doll head out of the end rather being rational & patient and doing it the 'calm' way.
    Anyways, back to my pile of apricots because I've more jam to make!

  81. If ever anyone asks me for a tip I stick with my tried and tested "don't eat yellow snow" it usually makes people stop for a second and then smile which is always a nice thing to leave people with!

  82. If ever anyone asks me for a tip I stick with my tried and tested "don't eat yellow snow" it usually makes people stop for a second and then smile which is always a nice thing to leave people with!

  83. You should know how much many of your posts make me think about our life that we're building with our two young kids - what we want, what's realistic, what's changing. So thank-you! Reading someone else's reflections helps us to reflect on our own lives :-)

  84. Back to blogging after a long illness yours was the first I turned to for inspiration. Now I am inspired watch me start over again!

  85. Oh Kate what a wonderful giveaway! I was only introduced to your beautiful blog last year by Sophie Isobel Asher so I am a bit of a newbie compared to some of the other ladies here, but I find your posts truly inspirational. Not just the crafting and farming posts but the beautiful insight into the way you mother your children with such wisdom and grace. I look forward to following your journey this year x

  86. I've enjoyed reading your daily posts this month. Very inspiring to see your dedication. I adore your farm and the way your family works together...all of the generations.

  87. I have just cast off my very first knitted sock!!! I bottled roasted tomato and vege pasta sauce today. And I am picking up my biggest girl from the bus stop in 2 hours - yay, we love having her home :-) And next weekend, we will travel a few hours to visit family. Four good things to be very grateful for today.

  88. I think you should know how much I have enjoyed your blog for years and years! I love that you are so real and down to earth. Also, we love caravans and went on our honeymoon (40 years ago) in a caravan we called Millie! It was great!

  89. I dream of a little patch of earth to own, somewhere lovely like Tasmania. A cute cottage with just enough room, a running stream and rich soil for planting; anything and everything.

  90. I've recently started spinning and am loving it. This year the shearer left me two of my hogget fleeces and I can't wait to turn them into something I can knit! I'm looking forward to following your adventures in spinning. I really enjoy reading your blog Kate, thanks for sharing!

  91. I've recently started spinning and am loving it. This year the shearer left me two of my hogget fleeces and I can't wait to turn them into something I can knit! I'm looking forward to following your adventures in spinning. I really enjoy reading your blog Kate, thanks for sharing!

  92. Dear Kate,

    I am not one to comment on blogs. I'm not sure why, I think it might be that I feel a bit weird, like commenting is me admitting that I read your blog, see into your life but without knowing you... Admitting the voyeur inside of me. It is not the give-away today that prompted me to comment but the call to tell you something I think you'd like to know.

    I have started reading your blog this year and have gotten so much out of your daily posts, reading them as I settle my baby to sleep.

    I would like you to know, and I think you would like to know, how grateful I am. I am grateful for the life you lead (I don't think I could be an organic farmer but so glad someone is doing it), for sharing a little glimpse of it, for your recipes, beautiful photos, fun crafting and gardening enthusiasm. Mostly I am grateful for your outlook on life. Reading your blog inspires me to accept, enjoy, embrace, be brave, calm, positive. To love our planet even more and own the joy I get from the small and important things like crafting, growing, cooking, eating.

    So thank you,

  93. I thought you might like to know that when I first discovered your blog years ago it was like a revelation to me... people CAN actually live their dream on a farm growing their own food and being creative... it had a profound impact and really help me justify pursuing my 'airyfairy' dream to live a simple life on the land... (or what seemed airyfairy considering my standard corporate life)... So thanks so much, thanks for sharing what life on the farm is like and all the lovely words and pictures and inspiration x

  94. We are in the process of packing up our home of 24 years and moving out a little further (not too far) to live amongst the gum streets. We have raised 4 kids in this home, but its time for us to slow down a little after our youngest has finished secondary school. It will be nice to have school fees and mortgages behind us (not that we are old). I'm looking forward to sewing and painting and dyeing yarn and hugging the odd tree, trying my hand at growing some veggies and slowing right down. I always look forward to your posts - I can feel my shoulders dropping as I'm reading. Hopefully our move will bring us the contentment you live.

  95. I'd like you to know that this is my first time commenting! I'd like you to know that Daylesford Organics, you, your family, your blog, etc., are a joy and inspiration for me. It's heartening to know I'm not the only one who goes through rough patches. And equally heartening when I see someone else come out stronger on the other end. Your caravan vacation is what drew me here, and now I don't think I'll ever leave!


  96. A few years ago your beautiful creations inspired me to learn crochet and although I've never made all that much with it I'm so inspired to start creating right now for my first baby! Also I love seeing your beautiful gardens - your photos always remind me I should be checking up on my own and sowing more seeds!
    Rachael x

  97. Hey Kate - I follow your blog and love reading about your days, good and bad, and I appreciate your honesty. More of it all round I say! I'm not really commenting to win a prize (although if no-one has their hand up for the dress pattern I could give it a go). But... without wanting at all to sound like I know best for you or anything near that path... I am wondering if you have thought about doing a meditation course (if you havent already of course). I did the 10 day Vipassana course many years ago, and my meditation practice comes and goes. Its a great tool to have though, a bit like craft for meditation but another layer deeper. It kinda changed my life (and still does when I get back into it). Big love. Jo x

  98. You inspire me. I love your blog x

  99. Hi Kate
    I'd like you to know that you are good enough.
    Don't beat yourself up so much you are doing a great job and we all appreciate you sharing your life with us.

  100. Hello! thank you for sharing so much this January.
    I'd like you to know that when your pics pop up on Facebook or Instagram they always make me smile.
    Thank you. xx

  101. I love your blog, it inspires me and always make me smile especially because I live on the other hemisphere so it is so good and interesting to see other seasons!
    Orsolya from Hungary

  102. Right now, at 11.45 pm, I'm feeding the baby. I have been since 11 pm. It's dark, quiet - except for the cat purring because he found me on the couch - the toddler's asleep, their dad's not snoring (bonus!) and although I'd love to be asleep I'm enjoying being here.

  103. I think you should know , you're awesome! I love your blog!!

  104. Hi. I discovered your blog at the end of December just in time for your blo-a-thon. It's been great to follow what you're getting up to on the other side of the world in summer. It's brought some cheer to the grey days here in England with our miserable winter (it wouldn't be so bad if it just got cold and snowed!)
    I am now seriously considering copying your life (not in a stalker way!) as we've been wondering about making the move from the city and your beautiful pictures are encouraging me.
    It's been great to see the pictures everyday. Thanks for sharing with us.

  105. Hello,
    I have bought your book and love it, I would love to win all the rest of your lovely items , I could give the book to my friend or you could keep it for another give away your choice, Thanks again for your beautifully photographed blog. Linda Tytko

  106. I love your book! You have a great. I would love to know about your down time, since all the arts keep us busy. You have inspired me to try different things, beautiful things and that I am grateful for. Thank You.

  107. We've had a tawny frog mouth owl visit our suburban back yard for the last two days - just sitting in the Claret Ash, minding his/her own business, but following us as we hang out the washing or sit on the deck. Just gorgeous! I was so sorry to see he'd/she's gone this morning. Well done on your blog-athon - I've loved it.

  108. I found a great gallery/cafe at the end of my street i never knew about. Then while i was telling my partner he told me that his dad actually grew up there. Its a converted old homestead and my father in law and his 10 siblings all grew up in it. Small small world!

  109. Hi Kate.I started following your blog after reading a review of your book.I have been looking in bookshops for it but I think I might have to buy it online.I have never bought anything online (I know I must be the only person who hasn't ) So this year I started a new job and I am going to learn how to buy goods online.Keep up the great blog.

  110. Fun fact: I spent 14 years travelling around the world on a sailboat! I would love to read your book and see how similar your travelling adventure was to mine (I also have two girls - now grown up). I have written a book and keep editing and sending it in for review, and maybe one day I will get published too! Love that pattern - I have just the right fabric waiitng to be used up!

  111. I've just bought my first pattern ever from a thrift store near me! I'm excited and nervous to sew something other than curtains, pillowcases, and quilts! I picked up a few yards of fabric there as well so I can mess up terribly without feeling too bad. Wishing myself luck, and you luck with your new pattern also!

  112. Thank you so much for this January , it has been fun !
    I have been following your blog for a few years now and you've inspired my knitting and sewing greatly. I'm from faraway Israel and I was so excited to read all about your visit here this summer.

  113. I'm an astronomer so I can tell you that Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn have been visible at the same time before dawn since last week and all five planets will remain visible before dawn until mid-February. Isn't that the most amazing way to start a new year? Knowing that, while everything changes, everything really does stay the same - whatever those everythings are for you!

    1. I clearly suck at the internet though - that should have come up as 'Sarah B', not 'Unknown'...

  114. Thank you for a beautiful blog Kate. Im not sure I have anything you'd like to know. But it was my baby's first day of school today. And while I was so sad to see him moving on, out of my nest, I was so, so proud of him. He was brave and confident. And my heart is full. I hope your new school routine has filled your heart equally xx

  115. Hi Kate,
    The wind is blowing fiercely around the house, since it is winter here in Holland.
    It is one of those beautifully dry windy days, I love them. And looking at your blog, and imagining your personality so close to nature you'd love it too.

    I like to enter this give-away for my friend who lives up in Arnhemland serving with MAF.

    Thanks and have a great day and enjoy all the things people think you'd like to know.

    Bye, Martina

  116. I think you should know that I have successfully frozen grated zucchini for making frittatas in the middle of winter. As long as you defrost them in a colander and squeeze out the excess, this is a great way to store your summer glut.

  117. Wow! Well done Kate. Blogging every day is a bit of a challenge but once you get into the routine it really does something to your head. I always wrote journal when I was younger, helping me to get perspective on things. I find blogging being a bit the same, at least when you write about life like both you and I do. Thanks for sharing your January. It has been a pleasure to read and follow. Love your pictures and writing. Always. Looking forward to many more mosts. Every now and then. :)

  118. Awesome!
    What a great Giveaway...
    ... I think you should know, you have (at least one) German reader, living in Austria, reading and enjoying your blog. And wondering every single time, how on earth it's possible, you're having the last days of your summer holidays, enjoying summer, eating and harvesting all those lovely fruit, while we're just knee deep into the snow, skiing and more often than not freezing cold ;-)
    As I'm just about to "tell" you these thoughts, I'd like to say, as I'm using my phone to read the blogs- it would be great, if you could tick the box for the mobile version to work for your blog!

    Lots of love from Austria

  119. I love reading your blog especially your crafty posts.
    You should know if I stopped reading blogs I'd have less WIPs, spend less on yarn, books and fabric and have more time to craft - I won't stop reading though, I enjoy them too much!

  120. Am I too late? Do I still have a chance to win those lovely goodies? Hope so. :)

  121. I love reading your blog I think it's great

  122. I love reading your blog I think it's great

  123. I bought the prettiest Pink Lady apples yesterday. Beautiful!!


Thanks so much for stopping by...

I do read every single comment you leave and appreciate it very much, but I should let you know that I can be a wee bit on the useless side when replying to comments, that's just me, everyday life sometimes gets in the I'll apologise now, just in case.

Kate XX

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